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Wet Weather / Ground Closures

GOLDEN RULE No.1:  Games are not called off just because it is raining

Ground closures are inevitable during the course of any season due to wet weather or for any other number of reasons.  These closures are completely out of the direct control of the Association and is generally determined by Councils, the clubs and or the referees, if they deem the conditions unsafe to play. In spite of this, it is actually rare for games to be played in serious rain, but light rain is a common (and the children normally love it).

This is the wet weather procedure:

Coaches, Players and Parents are not to contact GDSFA to find out if a field is open or closed, please contact your respective clubs.

If it has been raining during the week, sometimes the entire weekend is called off by councils or your club, typically on Friday afternoon. If it has been raining over Friday or Saturday night, clubs will assess their home grounds early Saturday or Sunday morning and close their grounds if necessary. Clubs must then contact the Association of the closures and the Association will then notify all clubs and members via this website and their Facebook page. It is a courtesy for clubs to notify their oppositions if their grounds are closed.

If it is raining on game day but safe to play in the morning, the grounds will be monitored throughout the day. If it is later decided to close a ground, then clubs must notify the Association who will then notify the clubs on its social media platforms.

Please also note that games may be moved to an open ground where possible so that games can still be played, so there may be different ground locations to attend as a result of the rain.

Just because your home ground, or a particular ground is closed, does not mean all games are cancelled!  Do not assume, please  check with your club.  Do not just rely on Council Wet Weather Hotlines as your game may have been relocated.

GOLDEN RULE No.2:  A ground is ONLY deemed as being officially closed when it has been published by the Association, even if Council wet weather hotlines and club information have contradicting information.

If a team does not arrive for a game due to contradicting information which has been accessed from anywhere other than the Associations media platforms, that team will be seen as having forfeited the game.  If in doubt, please double check your respective club.